Your Date of Birth

Your Marital Status

Student Loan Balance

Extra Tax Allowances/Deductions

If you are married or living with your partner and would like to put together a joint household budget, please change your marital status option. You can then enter details about your partner here.

Partner Date of Birth

Student Loan Balance

Extra Tax Allowances/Deductions

Number of children under 16 years of age - (excluding babies under 1)


Number of babies under 1 year old


Provide the Budget Planner with some information about you!

In order to create an accurate earnings and expenditure profile you will need to enter details about your current household situation.

The following information is required:

  • Your Name and Your Partners Name (if applicable) - We take this information to allow you to be able to identify the level of expenditure and income coming from each person in your household as well as to seperate income details when accurately calculating the taxation that would apply.
  • Your Sex, Date of Birth, Working Hours, Marital Status, Allowances and Dependant Details- By putting this information into our systems we can accurately forecast your tax allowances and state pension age as well as your entitlement to tax credits and child benefit.
  • Student Loan Balances and Other Tax Allowances and Deductions- We will calculate the deductions to be made from your overall income for student loan repayments and any other allowances or deductions that have been applied in addition to your regular tax codes.

You can turn off benefit calculations if you do not wish for our system to calculate these for you.

Your Household Profile

When this information is saved a household profile is used to match against the profiles created by other similar users of this budget planner.

You will notice when you are inputting your expense details, the average spend of other people matching you will be shown to help you.


The 2012 - 2025 Budget proposals and other tax changes are summarised here and available at the blog.

The proposals could change before coming into force. The calculator and any associated information are intended to provide a loose overview and therefore include assumptions and estimates. It should not be used as a foundation for checking liability to tax or when deciding investment strategies.

Although we have tried very hard to provide accurate and current figures, there is no guarantee that this information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate. You should not act upon such information without first taking professional advice and going through your circumstances in detail.
